Friday 5 August 2016

What's The Big Deal? Benefits of Breastfeeding For Mum and Baby!

Breastfeeding is changing the health of families all over the world, helping mothers to value the wellbeing of their children from the start of life.

Did you read my 6 months Breastfeeding Mission? Read here if you missed it. Breastfeeding my baby is one of the smartest decisions I made for myself and my daughter as there are so many instant and lifelong benefits for both mother and child.
Here are reasons why everywhere around the world, breastfeeding is being encouraged and recognized as a key to sustainable development. 

Benefits of breastfeeding for Mum

Weight loss
When you breastfeed your baby exclusively, the baby takes off more than 500 calories off you every day. Truly, weight gained during pregnancy doesn’t disappear overnight but it is easier to lose if you exclusively breastfeed your baby. That’s the way nature designed it, so why cheat on nature and not lose the fat the natural way. I used to wear size 10 (UK) clothes before I had my first baby and by the time I had my second child, I was wearing size 16 clothes (seriously). But now, I can fit into in a UK size 12 (achieved without going to the Gym).

Hygienic and Convenient.
It’s straight from the source, fresh, right temperature, no contamination. What else can beat that? No carrying formula up and down when you have an outing. Available #Anytime #Anywhere

Time saving
Breastfeeding my baby saved me a lot of time every day. No bottle washing, no sterilization (except for breast pumps). No measuring, mixing or warming baby food.

Money saving
It’s economical, saves so much money. I know how much we used to buy the brand of formula my first child use to take and in these days of dollar rate increase (hmmmn!), I need not talk much.

Other benefits of breastfeeding from research have shown that Breastfeeding mums are at a lower risk of getting type 2 Diabetes, breast and ovarian cancer.

Benefits of breast milk for the baby

It’s the perfect food for the baby for the first 6 months, packed with all the nutrients baby requires and also changes to meet baby’s needs as the baby grows.

The bond between baby and mum no go get part two, you can recognize an instant bond between you and your baby.

Lots of health benefits; baby will hardly fall sick, and studies show that breastfed babies have less allergies and are better protected from diseases such as obesity, diabetes, asthma, and even SIDs (sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Breast fed babies are said to have higher IQs.

Happy #WorldBreastfeedingWeekFind out more reasons why nearly every country around the world observes World Breastfeeding Week every year. Join the Campaign

Yours truly,

Moms, do you have a breastfeeding story/challenge? Share your breastfeeding experience, let others learn how you overcame this feat.

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All contents here are opinions only. Please seek advice from your own doctor or other health practitioners regarding any issues concerning your own health or health of others.


  1. Happy breastfeeding week. Breast milk has amazing health benefits

  2. Nothing can beat the fact that it saves money and it's hygenic


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